Jillian Shepard is a familiar face to many of us with small children on the island! Working as the school resource officer at Oglethorpe Point on St. Simons, Jillian now has her oldest at the school as a student as well! Golden Isles Moms chatted with Jillian about some of her favorite things about living, working, and raising littles in the Golden Isles!
What is your name? Jillian Shepard
What Golden Isle do you call home and how long have you lived there? St. Simons Island since 2007!
What do you love about living here? The beautiful surroundings, the people, being able to go to the beach whenever we want!
How many children do you have and what are their names and ages? 3-Jaxton (4), twins Emma & Sawyer (2)
What’s one of your favorite mom resources (websites, groups, stores, etc.) in the area? I love the moms of multiples page on Facebook, the St. Simons moms page, and some moms of multiples support groups.
What do you do for work and what’s the best part of your job? I’m the SRO at Oglethorpe Point Elementary and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. I get to be a police officer (which is what I’ve wanted to be since I was little) snd have fun while doing it. I get to know my kids more and more everyday and get to know their families which is one of the best parts of my job. I can be myself, have fun, dance like no one is watching while directing traffic, and make sure everyone is safe in a positive learning environment every single day. It’s amazing.
What’s one thing people might be surprised to know about you? I’m a nerd at heart. I LOVE mermaids, all things pumpkin, The Office, Harry Potter, all things vampire, reading books, listening to music every single day, Sci-Fi shows like Stranger Things, Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance made me cry with its awesomeness, met my husband at and graduated from Georgia Southern University, and Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite movies.
What’s one way you relax when you need to “unwind”? Snuggling up in my bed and reading a book. I have sooooo many on my Kindle.
What’s your best mom hack? 5 drawers labeled with each day of the week with clothes in each bin so kids know what to wear on which days.
We love to support local! Can you tell us some of your favorites in the Golden Isles?
Family Dinner: Grandy’s
Drinks with Friends: Cilantro’s
Grab Coffee: Starbucks
Outdoor Activity: The beach
Shop for the Kids: 5 Below
Shop for Yourself: TJ, Target, Rebecca’s Closet
Salon: What’s that?! Lol!
Quick this or that…
Early Riser or Night Owl? Night Owl
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Mountains or Beach? Mountains
Call or Text? Text!
Toilet Paper…Over or Under? Over
Book or Movie? Book
Burgers or Tacos? Tacos
Shower or Tub? Shower
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