Meet Shannon! Shannon and her family have only called The Golden Isles home for less than a year but already feel like they fit here perfectly! Get to know her favorites below!

What is your name? Shannon Gabell
What Golden Isle do you call home and how long have you lived there? Saint Simons Island, 9 months
What do you love about living here?It is gorgeous, perfectly sized and has loads of wonderful things to do with young kids! I run a lot too, and there are endless running route options. That helps me stay motivated!
How many children do you have and what are their names and ages?Luke is 3.5 and Aislynn is 16 months
What’s one of your favorite mom resources (websites, groups, stores, etc.) in the area?Hooking up with SSI Mom’s Club as soon as I moved here was, and has been extremely helpful for me. Both my kids and myself have made friends, found out what is going on in the community and have had all of my mom questions answered. It is a great support!
What do you do for work and what’s the best part of your job? I am a bartender at Dorothy’s Cocktail and Oyster Bar! I absolutely love it! I work with and for some really smart, joyful and hilarious people. Honestly, it is nice to have a break from the kids two nights a week!
What’s one thing people might be surprised to know about you? I have gone sky diving THREE times over the Florida Keys! I had fewer responsibilities then.
What’s one way you relax when you need to “unwind”? Looking for suggestions. Haha! If I can snuggle with hubs on the couch, drink wine, and watch something not animated then it is a great day. Also, online shopping.
What’s your best mom hack?Baths in the afternoon so it is not such a chore later in the evening when time gets scarce. Toddlers take forever to do everything!
We love to support local! Can you tell us some of your favorites in the Golden Isles?
Family Dinner: Chili Peppers
Drinks with Friends: Dorothy’s
Grab Coffee: Local Brew
Outdoor Activity: Beach
Salon: Shear Magic with Taylor
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Early Riser or Night Owl? Early Riser
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Mountains or Beach? Beach
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Toilet Paper…Over or Under? Over
Book or Movie? Movie
Burgers or Tacos? Tacos
Shower or Tub? Shower
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