Tyra Warner is a mom of one and lives on St. Simons! She works as the Department Chair for Hospitality, Tourism, & Culinary Arts at the College of Coastal Georgia and helps to guide students on their future career paths. In addition to that, Tyra runs the St. Simons Island Moms Facebook page!

What is your name? Tyra Warner
What Golden Isle do you call home and how long have you lived there? St. Simons Island. I grew up here, moved away, and have been back six years now.
What do you love about living here? I love the slow (compared to Washington, DC where I lived for years) pace of life, the beach, and the long-time friends I have here.
How many children do you have and what are their names and ages? One son, 11, his name is Warner.
What’s one of your favorite mom resources (websites, groups, stores, etc.) in the area? I started a Facebook page, St. Simons Island Moms when I moved here, in hopes of gathering moms (parents) together to share resources. It’s attracted a lot of great moms (parents), but the time may have come to pass the torch to someone like you!
What do you do for work and what’s the best part of your job? I am the Department Chair for Hospitality, Tourism, & Culinary Arts at the College of Coastal Georgia. The best part of my job is getting to help young people make the transition from adolescence to adulthood and help them figure out their career goals. It’s very gratifying.
What’s one thing people might be surprised to know about you? I find it very difficult to make female friends, but I’d really like to have more!
What’s one way you relax when you need to “unwind”? Guided meditation. I love the Insight Timer app for this.
What’s your advice to moms admits the Covid-19 crisis? Don’t stop living your life or letting your children live theirs. Be careful, but remember, this is the only childhood they get.
What’s your best mom hack? The refrigerated Thai and Indian meals at Harris Teeter. My son loves them and feels like he’s getting a “fancy” home-cooked meal. They are microwave and serve!
We love to support local! Can you tell us some of your favorites in the Golden Isles?
Family Dinner: Tramici
Drinks with Friends: Palm Coast outside when the weather is nice and a band is playing
Grab Coffee: Wake Up Coffee
Outdoor Activity: Walking on the beach
Shop for the Kids: Online
Shop for Yourself: Evelyn Talman, Talbots
Salon: Uberzoot
Quick this or that…
Early Riser or Night Owl? Early Riser
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Mountains or Beach? Beach!
Call or Text? Text!
Toilet Paper…Over or Under? Over
Book or Movie? Book
Burgers or Tacos? Tacos
Shower or Tub? Shower
Facebook or Instagram? Facebook